Summer Flowers

The Pattern

Flower 1

Flower 1Round 1: (fuchsia) Ch 1, 6 sc.
Round 2: (yellow) Inc 1 sc in each st (total number of sc in this round: 12).
Round 3: (fuchsia) Inc 1 sc in every 2nd st (total number of sc in this round: 18).
Round 4: (yellow) Inc 1 sc in every 3rd st (total number of sc in this round: 24).
Round 5: (fuchsia) Inc 1 sc in every 4th st (total number of sc in this round: 30).
Round 6: (yellow) Inc 1 sc in every 5th st (total number of sc in this round: 36).
Round 7: ( fuchsia) Inc 1 sc in every 6th st (total number of sc in this round: 42). Join this round with a sl st.
Round 8: (fuchsia) Ch 1 ( counts as 1 sc), *17 ch, skip 5 sts, 1 sc*, repeat from * to * throughout the round. Finish the last repeat with a sl st in the first st.
Round 9: (fuchsia) Ch 1 ( counts as 1 sc), around the chain arch from previous round work 1 sc, 2 hdc, 9 dc, 1 ch, 9 dc, 2 hdc, 2 sc, in next arch: *2 sc, 2 hdc, 9 dc, 1 ch, 9 dc, 2 hdc, 2 sc*. Repeat from * to * around all chain arches from previous round. Join with a sl st in the first st.
Round 10: Continue with fuchsia and work sl sts in the sc and hdc’s. Change to medium-blue and work *1 sc in each dc, (1 sc, 3 ch, 1 sc) in chain space, 1 sc in each dc*. Repeat from * to * for every petal throughout the round. (Skip all sc’s and hdc’s). Join with a sl st in the first sc.

Flower 2

Flower 2The center is worked using the same method as for Flower 1, but with a different use of colours.
Rounds 1 – 4 are worked in black. Join round 4 with a slip stitch.
Rounds 5 – 7 are worked in tan. Start round 5 with 1 sc instead of the first sc. Join round 7 with a slip stitch.
Round 8: (yellow) *Ch 13, work 1 sc in 4th chain from hook, 1 hdc in each of next 2 ch, 1 dc in each of next 7 ch, skip 2 sc from previous round, sl st in next sc from previous round*. Repeat from * to * throughout.

Flower 3

Flower 3The center is worked using the same method as for Flower 1, ending after round 6. Colours are used differently.
Rounds 1 – 3 are worked in pink. Join round 3 with a slip stitch.
Rounds 4 – 6 are worked in turquoise. Start round 4 with 1 sc instead of the first sc. Join round 6 with a slip stitch.
The petals are worked one by one, back and forth in rows starting from the center and working outwards. Every row starts with 1 ch (not indicated below). Whenever possible, increases and decreases (see sc dec) are made in the second and second to last stitch of the row.
Petal 1 (pink)
Rows 1 – 2: 4 sc.
Rows 3 – 4: 6 sc.
Rows 5 – 6: 8 sc.
Rows 7 – 10: 10 sc.
Rows 11 – 12: 8 sc.
Rows 13 – 14: 6 sc.
Rows 15 – 16: 4 sc.
Row 17: 2 sc.
Row 18: 1 sc.
Cut the yarn and fasten off.
For petal 2 (turquoise), skip 2 stitches between the base of petal 1 and the start of petal 2.
Work all petals in this way, alternating colours.
Final round: (fuchsia) Sc all around the flower. Work 1 sc in every row of the petals. At the base of each petal, work 1 sc in the closest stitch of the center together with 1 sc in the first row of the petal. Do this on both sides of each petal. Work 3 sc in the top stitch of each petal.
Fasten off.

Small flower

Small FlowerIf, like me, you want to make several of these flowers and scatter them over a surface, you may want to make some smaller flowers, using only one colour, to put between the larger ones. This is a simple, small flower, with rounded petals as a contrast to the larger, pointier ones. And this one starts with a chain.
Ch 8 and join with a slip stitch.
Round 1: ch 3 ( counts as 1 dc), work into the ring 1 dc, *6 ch, 3 dc*, repeat from * to * 5 times, 6 ch, 1 dc, join with a slip stitch in the 3 rd ch of the ch-3 worked in the beginning of the round.
Round 2: * 1 ch, work (1 sc, 1 hdc, 7 dc, 1 hdc, 1 sc ) all into the chain arch, 1 ch, skip 1 dc, slip stitch in next dc*, repeat from * to * throughout the round.
Fasten off.